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Ground Rail Automatic Powder Coating Line

The ground rail conveying powder coating line is specially designed for cup, can or bottle shaped metal products, which are not able to hang by overhead conveyors.
  • COLO


Ground Rail Automatic Powder Coating Line

The ground rail conveying powder coating line is specially designed for metal cups, cans or bottles, which are not able to be suspended by overhead conveyors. COLO built this automatic powder coating plant for our Algeria customer for their application of themal cups.

automatic powder coating line

powder coating cups

Powder Spraying

powder coating cups

Finished Themal Cups

powder coating line for cups

Ground Rail

Ground Rail Powder Coating Line Specifications

Ground Rail
Ground Rail Length
Round Rail Conveying Speed
Powder Spray Booth
Powder Spray Booth Size:
With1120 * Height1500 * Depth2900mm
Powder Recovery
Cartridge Filters, 4pcs
Fan Motor
1 set, 3kw 4500m3/h
Powder Coating Equipment
Automatic Powder Guns
COLO-800D Automatic Type, 4pcs.
Output High Voltage
Max. 100kv
Central Contral Cabinet
1 set
Drying/Curing Oven
Oven Size:
With2300 * Height1100 * Depth14600mm
Heating Power
Electric, 252KW,
Heating Time & Temperature
Warm-up time: 15-30 min. (180° C), Max.250° C
Circulation Fan
5.5kw, 2sets

Ground Rail Powder Coating Line Configurations

automatic powder coating booth

Filter Type Automatic Powder Booth

Designed with working stations for automatic coating guns, the automatic spray booth is controlled via PLC, which is easy for operation.

Built with a filter recovery stage for effectively collects powder overspray, ensures clean working environment and reduce powder waste. Filter type automatic booth suits for single color application.

automatic powder coating system

Automatic Powder Coating Gun System

1. A central control cabinet combines all gun controller for integrated operation, Ensures reliability and controllability

2. COLO-800D automatic powder coating unit with 100kv spray guns powerfully charge powders that delivers high transfer efficiency, increase powder utilization. Our intelligent powder coating gun is designed for perfectly coating different parts, whether flat panels or complex shapes.

Powder Sieving and Recycling System

Powder Sieving and Recycling System

This system sieves and recycle large quantities of used powders without disturbing your online coating process, as weel as mix with fresh powders, continuously, uniformly feed the powder to the spray gun, improve application quality.

Mounted with 100L capacity powder hopper that supports big production in continuous automatic line.

automatic powder coating oven

Powder Coating Curing Tunnel

Tunnel oven are designed for continuous operations in automatic powder coating line. Maximum painting efficiency is obtained with high capacities by means of those systems.

The powder coating oven made of 100mm rock wool board features heat-resistent.  Quickly and uniformly raise to required temperature up to 250'C, increase production efficiency. With fan that circles hot air throght the entire chamber ensures uniform temperature.

Ground Rail Powder Coating Line for Cups

1. Pre-heat Themal Cups by Tunnel Oven  2 Powder Spraying by Automatic Powder Coating System & Booth 3 Powder Curing by Curing Oven (the same oven for pre-heating)

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          Distrct, Hangzhou, China.

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